Save the date + YOUR CLOTHES!
Do you remember when this was all just a pipe dream, with pop-ups around town; at Hettie’s + local primary schools…? Now we’re here with our own venue doing all the sharey-fixy things? Go Us!!
If you've not been to one of our Clothes Swaps before, here's how they work:
Dig out *those* items lurking at the back of your wardrobe
Pick the ones you're happy to switch up for something else
Check they are in good, clean, wearable, condition (they'll be redirected to the scraps basket, if not)
Bring them with you to the event, on hangers, ready-to-go
Find something new-to-you to take home
How does it work?
Bring clothes you no longer wear, exchange them for tokens, then swap your tokens for new-to-you clothes.
It's literally that simple!
If you've got a lot to swap (5+), drop them in to Makers Mews ahead of time (in a closed bag, labelled with your name).
Entry is £5 per person, or FREE if you’re able to volunteer some time at set-up. Email us at to grab one of the limited spaces.
**This event will be held UPSTAIRS**
* Once added to cart, head to the checkout to complete your booking
If you've any questions, ask away, it's a new concept for many, so let's figure it out together.
Here are a few of the frequent flyers:
Q: I have fancy hangers + don't want to lose them. Should I buy some plastic ones?
A: No! Please do not BUY anything for these events.
The aim is to have all of the clothes hanging for perusal, but if we do not have enough hangers, we'll make do + (sc)rummage
Q: What if I don't find anything I like/in my size?
A: To get to this point you have sifted through your wardrobe + deemed these clothes ‘ones you don’t wear’; you’ve then added a stop between you + the clothing bin to see if you can exchange them for alternatives. If you don’t manage to find anything you like (which I reckon is unlikely), you have relinquished yourself of the burden of storing clothes that you no longer wear.
To get ahead of this quandry, simply invite people whose clothes you like to come! Get tagging, inviting + heckling your style crushes #tellyourcrushyoulikethem
Q: What if I don’t have any clothes to bring, can I still come?
A: You can. As you will be without swapping tokens, we’ll assign prices to the items you’re after. These will be displayed on signage throughout. The prices will be very low.
That said, clothes swaps only work if there is enough being brought to the party, so we may have to limit this, or suggest that you attend later in the event.
Q: Is this just for women or are men + children catered for too?
A: I’m not gonna lie, we have found that it is predominantly women who show up, BUT not just women! Plus who’s to say you won’t find something you like from someone different to you?
Q: Is it 1-in-1-out? Like, is a fancy coat worth the same as a beanie?
A: From previous events we’ve learned that folk prefer the tokens to relate to the quality/size of the item, so a ball gown + a tshirt are not worth the same thing. There will be posters at the event explaining what’s what.
Q: Can I sell clothes at your Clothes Swap?
A: No. Not this time. BUT we will also be hosting other events/workshops, such as secondhand/vintage clothing sales, ‘How to sell your clothes online’, styling + fashion photography, ‘How to style your clothes to sell on Depop/Vinted’, visible mending, customisation, clothing alterations + so on…
Q: What happens to the left over clothes?
A: Leftover clothes are simply rolled over to the next Clothes Swap - yep, there will be more!
If something lurks for a while, we’ll likely pass it on for use in classes about clothing alterations or the like…