In this workshop we look at the pros + cons of taking on volunteers, interns, kickstarters, freelancers + skill sharing with other orgs to help increase your capacity.
We think about the true costs- in terms of your money + your time with each of these options. We also cover how, where + who to recruit into these positions if they are right for you.
Any questions email
Chloe worked with over 50 volunteers, 8 interns + 5 staff members during this time, starting from a small group of student volunteers.
She has worked with School for Social Entrepreneurs facilitating workshops + supporting over 150 students to grow their ideas.
She now specialises in 'problem solving' consultancy for organisations established to make the world a better place with a particular interest in supporting women leaders.
Even becoming a director here at Makers Mews!
Who’s it for?
This workshop is geared towards social change leaders of: social enterprises, small charities, not-for-profits, grass roots organisations, community groups, cooperatives, international development organisations, unincorporated associations, campaigners. However it can also be useful for small businesses + freelancers.
We don’t mind how you self-identify as long as at your core you have a cause you believe in and that you think will help to make the world a better place. It does not have to be a HUGE step to making the world a better place because, even if it is a tiny little baby-step, they all join up to make a difference- a social change.
What’s Sensible Skills?
The 'Sensible Skills' workshop series is workshops aimed at Founders, Leaders + Doers in Social Enterprise who want to learn, refine, develop + put into action tools they know will help their business work better.
Delivered in person in Devon + repeated online. The workshop series is hosted in collaboration with Jess Holilland from JCH Consultancy.
The idea is that a bit of focussed time, some expertise in the room, along with sharing that space with others also trying to get to grips with it, will be enough to get you stepping up your skills around each area.
Each topic has been suggested by a social entrepreneur + turned into a hands-on practical application workshop.
The sessions are in small groups (maximum 10 people), face to face, run across various locations in Devon, on different days of the week to try to make them as accessible as possible.
We have also converted each to an online version too for those that are unable, or prefer not, to travel.
The workshop runs from 10am-1pm. Feel free to bring a packed-lunch to share over networking/final questions until 1.30pm.
All you need for the workshop is a pen/notebook.
Tea, coffee + cake provided :-)
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